I am having a dispute with my landlord at the moment, and I am really hoping to figure out some legal information to help me know what my rights are in this situation. I do not feel like I have been treated fairly by my landlord, and actually, I think that he might be breaking some laws in the way he is treating me currently. My landlord is trying to kick me out, but I don’t think that he has grounds to do so. Right now, I need info on landlord tenant law and I am thinking about hiring a lawyer, or at least, consulting with one, if he continues to threaten me.
I am not sure exactly what started the animosity between me and my landlord, but I really wish it had never happened. I kind of enjoyed living here before all of this started. Anyway, I was a couple of days late with my rent last month, but the rent was not late past the dates stipulated within the lease where he would be able to move towards evicting me. Rather, I paid the late rent with the fee that is stipulated for late rent, and I do not see why he has such a problem with that.
I paid my rent on time this month, and when I was handing it to my landlord, he informed me that he was evicting me due to my late rent last month. I tried to argue with him, but I could see that it was not a productive conversation, so I walked away. Later, he threatened me that I had to move out within 48 hours, or law enforcement would be called. I am pretty sure that I have legal rights in an eviction proceeding and that he cannot just tell me to get out. I hope I figure this out soon.